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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lace Up!

^ in due time..

    I'm gonna run a race. My mom told me so. Yeah, I might be grown person, but in my house, you still listen to Mama. Here's the back story.
    Mom's a fighter. She's a survivor. Three times to be exact. The enemy: Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I speak slightly biased because I know the toll that cancer has taken on my family and myself., but, you never truly know how strong someone is, until you have to see them fight for their life. I was blessed enough to have a mother who fought not only for herself, but for her family. And I was blessed to believe in a God who's grace is endless and arms remain open, even when you turn your back. Which, years ago I unfortunately did, it was part teenage angst and part hurt and betrayal. Thought process : AGAIN?!?!!! WTH? - I have since forgiven myself for straying so far.
    That being said, it's been a year since her last chemotherapy treatment during her third fight, and so far she's in remission. :) Motivated by her clean bill of health, energized by God's love she feels raining down on her, she has decided that she wants to run a race. Just a 5k to start, and she's taking me along with her. Awesome. But anything for Mama.

1 comment:

  1. Love this, best of luck to you both! Keep on fighting -both physically and the good fight of the faith!
