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Thursday, September 30, 2010

An Oldie but a Goodie.

Many's the time I've been mistaken

And many times confused

Yes, and I've often felt forsaken

And certainly misused

Oh, but I'm all right, I'm all right

I'm just weary to my bones

Still, you don't expect to be

Bright and bon vivant

So far away from home, so far away from home

And I don't know a soul who's not been battered

I don't have a friend who feels at ease

I don't know a dream that's not been shattered

or driven to its knees

but it's all right, it's all right

for we lived so well so long

Still, when I think of the

road we're traveling on

I wonder what's gone wrong

I can't help it, I wonder what's gone wrong?

-American Tune, Simon and Garfunkel


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

8 that I appreciate..

Eight things I can't live without.


I can't imagine my life without the faith I have. It is all that I am.
I literally don't know what I'd do with out my mom. Unfortunately, her battle with her health has only made me more attached to her instead of building a strength that would help me eventually live with out her.

A comfortable place to sleep

Doesn't that look like heaven?
Sleep and I are very good friends. It would only make sense to be as comfortable as possible when taking a snooze. I have a close relationship with quality linens and thread count. But I have to admit, even I  don't notice the how soft my linens are when I'm at that peak of exhaustion and just want to sleep.

I make an effort to look nice everyday. Its not only good for self confidence, but you never know what the day has in store for you, and its always nice to make a good impression. As for the perfume part, it adds confidence, and there's nothing like walking by someone and getting a whiff of something good. And sometimes I'm that person. :)

Google Images
I love to read too much to go through life with out it. Although I am thankful for just being literate, I wouldn't be able to live with out a good story or two. The quality of putting emotions on paper is a gift from God, one that I have vehemently searched with in myself for. 


 I, like many people in the world, have had my share of lost friendships. And it is true, the ones that are worth keeping, never really do leave. I had friends who I thought were gonna be with me for the rest of my life, cut our association for no reason what so ever. It was God's way of showing me what true friendships are. And since then I have never been more appreciative of the people in my life.
I can't live with out confidence. It's the sum of all the determination I have. I don't know yet what I am capable of achieving in my life, but without confidence I might never fight out.

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."
1 John 4:7-8

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Divine Nine

Nine Things That Most People Don't Know About Me
My personal correspondence note cards look similar to this!

1. I wear sunblock every day. - Healthy skin! I don't wanna be wrestling with my skin/considering botox when I'm 30. Plus, I'm dark enough with out letting my face get some sun.  

2. I'm obsessed with monograms. Maybe I just like my initials? RCP, looks pretty good, by as a monogram it would be RPC. I learned that while reading an etiquette book years ago... hmm. Etiquette books should have probably made this list. 

3. There's a bible in my purse. Just a little one. It came with some verses highlighted, so you can literally flip through the pages until you see something pink and get a little bit of inspiration. I've had it since I was in high school, it's fits in my purse. That's pretty much it.

4. I fainted in church when I was in 3rd grade. I was under my aunt's care, and she never let us eat before mass. This time we went to the late mass 11o'clock and I passed out right before communion. Someone popped me a life saver and they took me out side until the paramedics arrived!!

5. I write stories, but won't let myself finish them.  When I write stories I am driven by feelings. I think of how a reader would feel as they  read on. Eventually I lose the feeling while I write, and I'm left with a story with out an ending because I can't "feel" the end. <- weird, I know.

6. I teach CCD. I teach Catechism, which is basically just Catholic Sunday school. Religious education is something I attended when I was growing up, and it was fun, and also extremely informative. I knew first hand what it was like to say "I'm Catholic" and not really know what that means. When I started going to CCD, I began to learn, and there for could actually claim my stake with pride.

7. I like post-its. A lot. Working in a classroom, I learned the importance of organization and order. Nothing says organization like little square sticky pieces of paper that come in multiple colors that can be paired also with highlighter colors and index cards. Yup. It's very attractive. 

8.I appreciate quality nail polish. I know this one sounds lame, but I mean it. If I'm gonna spend my money on something, it better be good. My biggest pet peeve is when nail polish chips on the same day you've applied it... that's just unfortunate. I have about 15 nail polishes that I rotate through monthly. Not all of them are great, but I'd rather use them than waste them.

9. I'm registered as a democrat. I registered when I just turned 18, so I was barely out of high school. Now I knew the different between the parties, and I picked D because at the time, with the topics I was familiar with, I was leaning towards a more liberal favor. I really can't say how much had changed since then. I'm more in the middle of the road than a full blow Dem. But the people around me don't really care about politics anyway.

Monday, September 27, 2010

It's a mad, mad world.

It didn't take me but an hour after my high school graduation to realize that my teachers, all of them, had been the most influential people in my life. Aside from Mama and Jesus, they were consistent and dependable. They opened my small little world. And overall, they cared, a lot more than they were paid to.

So this is gonna be a crazy/random post. I'm enamoured of education, I love to learn. One of my biggest goals in life is to be a teacher, a good one. Since I had the opportunity last year to work in an Elementary school, I've trying to get myself on a one way track to getting my own classroom. As a parapro for an ELL program, I got to see 70% of our students past the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment test. Twenty eight of our students scored proficient, ten scored intermediate, and the only two who scored Basic were a sibling pair that just moved to the U.S. Since it was my first time teaching these students I had no idea of what measurement they category they fell under. Upon getting our results, the actual ELL teacher was floored. She was so happy and in disbelief of the progress that the children had made in only a year. I was pretty proud too... but I summed it up to her being a great teacher, which she most definitely was. She later got teacher of the year her hard work!

Pics from my time at MRK-8

 I know... card theme in an elementary school? Kinda tacky. Lo Siento.

If I never had the experience of working in a classroom I would have never know how difficult it is to be an educator. Its not just the planning and teaching and keeping attention. Its also the 'flip-floppin' of the THREE principals, communication, school district and state inconsistencies that they some times have. Oh and the paper work, my oh my. Not everyone knows that once a child is put in ELL or SPED they are then tracked by the government to spend X amount of years in the program and they are evaluated individually a couple of times a year. Yes, it is hard work.

     People are so used to hearing that U.S. schools are horrible, and they are pretty bad compared to most schools world wide. But they are quick to blame a teacher, then they are quick to blame a school, then the D. of E. It goes on and on. I have no idea where the 'root' of the problem is. I wouldn't even know how to begin research to find out what exactly is going on. My most significant feelings on the matter is that educators are not 100% responsible for the outcome of a child's life. Hell yeah, there are teachers out there willing to give their hearts, (because they already gave their money) to children to improve reading or math. But the teacher is only apart of their lives for 35 hours out of the week. I have witnessed first hand that those 35 hours might be the most structured of the 168 hours in a total week. The other 133 hours are spend with...OMG .. Parents! Guardians! Parents must take some responsibility. Its Developmental Psychology 101. Children are wet cement, and teachers can't be the only one's scribbling hope and future's initials in the dampness with a stick. 

The point of this whole blog was to tell you about a Los Angeles school teacher that committed suicide on Sunday. According to reports, he had been stressed and depressed after the LA Times  ramked him and his teaching performance. On two of the categories he scored below average. His school did not receieve good scores either. Rigoberto Ruelas requested a sub for his 5th grade classroom for two days last week and on the third day he did not return to the school. He was 39. He was found in a ravine after his care was discovered.

I was gonna post an entire article but I decided not to. Here is the link to Pasadena Star.


Read more: http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/news/ci_16180072#ixzz10iAjHLcG

L.A. Times - It's short and vague and does not mention their review of the victim's teaching performance.


And here is the review of Ruelas posted on the LA Times website.

I don't understand how LA Times was allowed to basically put thousands of teachers on front street like this. I know teachers in small-town USA that give so much to education and students. Test scores can't grade the heart and generosity of a teacher. And when someone gives their everything, and devotes their life time career to something, to publicly critque their performance is dangerously hurtful. 

And finally, The trailer to the upcoming Waiting for Superman documentary. It basically calls out America's education system. I'm sure that its gonna be pretty eye opening, people just aren't aware of how the education system works. Unfortunately, just by viewing the trailer, it is easy to guess that there is plain finger points, sometimes at teachers, most of the time at the government. Hopefully this documentary is the end of finger pointing, and the start of something good for our schools and our children.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thank God It's Saturday!

Saturday Football = Music to my ears.
I unabashedly LOVE college football more than NFL. I'm pretty sure I may favor NCAA sports over all professional sports. I'm talking about the bigger sports, football, baseball, basketball. There is just so much more that is appealing to me. Maybe its the traditional rivalries, wearing a dress in  your school's colors, tail-gating, throwing up hand signs, shouting out fan phrases, maybe it's the band. I have yet to figure it out. Regardless, I watch every Saturday, win or lose, it's definitely more than entertainment.

Here's who I follow.

Arizona State University
Mama's Alma Mater, my state school loyalty. Now the PAC 10  isn't necessarily known for its storied traditions and inherited winning seasons, nor is ASU ever one of those teams. But as a true fan who doesn't flip flop, I've been a Sun Devil since day one. (Mini ASU cheerleader dress anyone?) Fork 'em.

The University of Alabama
This is one of my more recent favorites. I'd say, I got in to Tide Football about 3 years ago. I don't know how it happened but I think I was searching random things on the net, I ended up on a website about SEC football, random blogs about Bama, and basically was pulled in by the tradition and spirit of the club. I mean, who wouldn't wanna be a little speck in that sea of red CRIMSON. Its enticing. Roll Tide Roll

The University of Texas
I've been more familiar with Texas football than I have with Alabama. But this program appeals to me for much of the same reason, good football, spirit, and most importantly, quality of education. Also, they've completely made orange wearable. Hook 'em.

Honorable mention:
Texas Tech University
I like this school a lot. Lubbock is a small city with a lot of spirit. West Texas seems appealing to this Arizona girl. At one point TTU was my first choice in college picks. Tech shows that you don't have to be a BCS National Champion to be a good team with devoted followers.

Happy Saturday!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Getting the ball rollin'

    So the last few days have kind of  been an iffy haze. I've been slacking in both the homework and social interaction departments. I had an accident/incident on Sunday and since then, my whole entity has been out of whack. But I'm confident that I will re-establish myself soon!

    That being said, I'm excitedly awaiting the arrival of my new camera, so I can share even more about my life in my blog. But until then, since I'm a baby blogger, I will resort to using kind of a template, to get in the habit of blogging often. My first choice will be this ten day challenge.
Over the next 10 days, blog about the items on this list:

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself that most people don't know.
Day Three: Eight things you couldn't live without.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you could change or you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot to you.
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two words that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.
    Now, I'm not claiming that I can do all these with in the ten day time frame, but this will definitely motivate me more.
10 things you want to say to ten different people right now
God-  You sure do keep me on my toes! But I wouldn't have it any other way, I know your grace and love is what make my heart beat and the air I breathe smell so sweet. I've been feeling a little out of whack these past few days as you know, but I'm ready to be my old self again. Maybe WE can work on that. Talk to ya soon.
Mama- I feel tired, and this morning I left the coffee pot on and went into my room to read my literature book. I kinda fell back asleep for an hour or so, but now our house smells like burnt coffee. Lo siento. Love you.
Jessica- I miss you. When was the last time you were home? Conrad's graduation? That was kind of a long time ago. If I didn't have so much going on over the summer I would have gone for a little vay-cay. But you know how that goes... Any way, I loves you.
Conrad-  You had a 24 hour shift but I thought you'd be home by now. Its all good though, its just that your brother misses you and he's been crying all day. He's getting all snippy and chewing on everything. Clutch is obviously acting out because he hasn't seen his brother. Haha.. Love.
 BFF and her Family
Alyssa Lou- Boo. I feel like I haven't seen you in years. And you just sent me a text message that was very cryptic and I don't know what it means. Did we start using a secret language I don't know about? :) Love!
Jimmy- I miss you guys. I promised myself I would head to Colorado Springs to see your new house asap. But as life plays out, I put other things ahead of my plans to see you. Sorry. I love you guys, and I really do hope I make it to CO before the big Mahoo celebration in NM. Take care.
Friends Far From Home
Carl- When your mom sent me a picture of you to put in my church, she sent an extra one for me. :) I almost cried. I immediately sent her a thank you note. I always thought that your gentleman qualities were from you being a Kentucky boy, but now I know your mama probably had a lot to do with it as well. I'm proud of you! Only eight more months. Stay strong, and pray, He is always with you. Never forget that there are people here on the other side of the world praying for you!
Chelci- You're probably the best person I know right now. What you are doing and where you are is something that many people never get to experience. I'm not speaking of Dubai specifically, but experiencing something out of your element and championing it is definitely a gift from God. He has given you strength that I know you'll appreciate. He's opened your heart to accepting different things. If people everywhere would be as accepting of that gift as you have been, the world would be a lot better place. Best wishes. Enjoy your time! I love reading your blog.
Random People
Snooki- Listen here boo boo, I understand that you are all Jersey-ed out, and that is OK. That's your natural way of being. I can't lie and say that I'm upset that the pouff is gone. I rejoiced when I found out it was extinct. But I just wanted to advise you that fake bake isn't good for your skin. I would just hate to see a young person with such an unfortunate elasticity of the epidermis. And also, don't get so wasted in public, its kind of tacky.
The Situation- Hello there. I have made it an obligation to steer as far away from your show, Jersey Shore. So I wasn't thrilled when you ambushed family friendly television like Dancing with the Stars. Either way, I  wish you the best of luck and I am awaiting your departure from DWTS
P.S. Your abs are nice. But by now everyone around the world has seen them, so there is no need to show them off. Everyone knows how to use Google Images. So get over yourself. I have not only seen, but touched better. (Shout out to Carl!)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wanderin' Eyes...

     I came upon an important and slightly humorous revelation today. Some of you might be able to relate, others might think I'm crazy. But a little crazy never hurt anyone, especially not in my neck of the woods.

     We're all guilty of checking out people. A subtle 'once over' is one of the first things people do when they encounter a fresh face. It happens every day. Not a big deal. But there are those special times when you look a little longer than normal or even comment about the object of desire after he or she has left. Por ejemplo, one time when I was in high school my BFF and I saw about 6 firefighters playing wiffle ball in their parking lot. We may or may not have looped around to check 'em out again. Pretty much anything in a uniform gets a double take and a smile.

     But this morning, around 6am, while I was making eggs, and my brother was packing his lunch for work, the fore mentioned enlightenment happened. Con is 3 years my senior and an EMT/Firefighter. And just as I was starting to joke with him about his day, and the crazy "calls" he might get while he's on shift, I started to say, "You might even meet your future ex-wife on a call." I wasn't actually wishing divorce upon my brother, just poking fun at the fact there he sees many people everyday on a 24 hour shift.

Taken with Camera Phone, not great quality.

Suddenly I caught my breath. Oh... em... gee...
My brother is now one of those guys.

     From then on, it was very possible that ogling eyes will immediately brighten when that red Ambo pulls up to a call, backs will straighten, eyelashes will flutter, shoulders will be pushed back, and undoubtedly hair will be tossed. I know for a fact that these things will happen. I've done them before! Whether it was an Army boy at Wal-mart, a Sheriff's officer who pulled me over, or even the firefighter buying adult beverages at Circle K, I've done the classic smile and greet with a nod, (not to be confused with bend and snap ) to all of them! My mind was in hysterics because of this discovery, I felt bad about myself! But Con had a good laugh about it, so I decided to let myself laugh about it to. If anything this might be a little insight into how my mind sometimes works. And I'm certain I'll think twice before lustfully gander again.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lace Up!

^ in due time..

    I'm gonna run a race. My mom told me so. Yeah, I might be grown person, but in my house, you still listen to Mama. Here's the back story.
    Mom's a fighter. She's a survivor. Three times to be exact. The enemy: Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I speak slightly biased because I know the toll that cancer has taken on my family and myself., but, you never truly know how strong someone is, until you have to see them fight for their life. I was blessed enough to have a mother who fought not only for herself, but for her family. And I was blessed to believe in a God who's grace is endless and arms remain open, even when you turn your back. Which, years ago I unfortunately did, it was part teenage angst and part hurt and betrayal. Thought process : AGAIN?!?!!! WTH? - I have since forgiven myself for straying so far.
    That being said, it's been a year since her last chemotherapy treatment during her third fight, and so far she's in remission. :) Motivated by her clean bill of health, energized by God's love she feels raining down on her, she has decided that she wants to run a race. Just a 5k to start, and she's taking me along with her. Awesome. But anything for Mama.

Friday, September 17, 2010

America- Fast Cars, and Freedom

     First things first... I'm kinda an America lover. You know those times when you are running errands and you find yourself singing, chances are I'm singing America the Beautiful. I don't know why, it just happens. I've always longed to live on the east coast. Some place central to the establishment of this country would be nice. Philly or Boston, anyone? At present time I find myself even more inclined to explore the south. There is something about it's vast land, and the soul of the soil that connects all of its people, that is intriguing. The culture of the south remains filled with charm and strength.
     My love for American history lusts for me to take a trip to discover this historical ground of the American East and South. Being from Arizona, I've never really felt connected to actual American history. We were the 48th state, all the major establishment of government and historical evens had happened like 100 years before. I feel left out!

     This new Dodge Challenger commercial rocks my socks. I'm a FORD girl myself, but I'll put that aside, because I really enjoy George Washington leading the Continental Army towards the red coats in a sweet ride.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

On my short list.

Films that are catching my eye..

The Romantics -   Galt Niederhoffer W&D

The Black Swan - Darron Aronofsky

Somewhere - Sophia Coppola W&D

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Whats the Fall, with out Football?

I love football.  A lot.
It probably comes from growing up in a small town, where just like in old America, high school sports are a viable source of entertainment. For me, I think I liked the tradition, the spirit, the competition, and the community that surrounds the game. I remember the feelings leading up to Friday night.
Chatting about the opponent with the football coach during class.
Making signs for friends on the team.
Football friends coming to your volleyball game during the week.
Posters in the hall advertising the game.
Giving your friends a pep talk during class.
Hoping you would have a shorter practice so you could get ready for the game.
Jumping in the car, at ten till seven, and driving towards those tall, memory creating lights.
On some Friday nights,
 those football lights out shined the moon.
-Anthem - Kick-off - "Let's Move The Chains" -"Boo-Yah!" - Fight Song -

And of course, win or lose, fans on the field after the game, giving hugs and a "good game".
I have always been a spirit, and tradition kind of person, and I've always felt that there was much more harbored in those football games. Some how, just being there, all those who were watching would be bounded. And thanks to my freshman volleyball coach, I know all the words to my school's fight song. Yup, that's right. Me and my other volleyball friends were the girls sitting near the band who sang along to the fight song after every touch down. So when a song/video like "The Boys of Fall" by  Kenny Chesney comes out, it reminds me of how many red, white and black, school shirts I have. And why I still buy more, every year.


Friday, September 3, 2010

I can't walk in these shoes...

Google Images
"I can't walk in these shoes!" comes from my struggle as a 6'0 woman, to wear high heels. Its not a physical struggle, the seductress call of the high heel entrances my eye every time, and I am often blessed with an urge to purchase said seductions. My conflict seems more like a personal struggle. Obviously, I am taller than the average lady, I learned that I was, and would be taller than most girls around first grade. It seems like no matter what I wear, whether its elegant or completely feminine, when those heels slide on, my appearance becomes instant drag queen status. I instantly feel like I stand out way more than I need to. And on the rare occasions I do put them on, I find it intimidating. I can walk in heels very easily. I'm sure I could get away with wearing such shoes, I mean supermodels are tall, and they wear their Louboutins with grace all the time. Perhaps one day I'll not only have the money, style, and shape of a supermodel, but the confidence too.
Until then, this will be Miss Rebecca.