We're all guilty of checking out people. A subtle 'once over' is one of the first things people do when they encounter a fresh face. It happens every day. Not a big deal. But there are those special times when you look a little longer than normal or even comment about the object of desire after he or she has left. Por ejemplo, one time when I was in high school my BFF and I saw about 6 firefighters playing wiffle ball in their parking lot. We may or may not have looped around to check 'em out again. Pretty much anything in a uniform gets a double take and a smile.
But this morning, around 6am, while I was making eggs, and my brother was packing his lunch for work, the fore mentioned enlightenment happened. Con is 3 years my senior and an EMT/Firefighter. And just as I was starting to joke with him about his day, and the crazy "calls" he might get while he's on shift, I started to say, "You might even meet your future ex-wife on a call." I wasn't actually wishing divorce upon my brother, just poking fun at the fact there he sees many people everyday on a 24 hour shift.
Taken with Camera Phone, not great quality.
Suddenly I caught my breath. Oh... em... gee...
My brother is now one of those guys.
From then on, it was very possible that ogling eyes will immediately brighten when that red Ambo pulls up to a call, backs will straighten, eyelashes will flutter, shoulders will be pushed back, and undoubtedly hair will be tossed. I know for a fact that these things will happen. I've done them before! Whether it was an Army boy at Wal-mart, a Sheriff's officer who pulled me over, or even the firefighter buying adult beverages at Circle K, I've done the classic smile and greet with a nod, (not to be confused with bend and snap ) to all of them! My mind was in hysterics because of this discovery, I felt bad about myself! But Con had a good laugh about it, so I decided to let myself laugh about it to. If anything this might be a little insight into how my mind sometimes works. And I'm certain I'll think twice before lustfully gander again.
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